Blogging & Notebooks

Recent Readings:

* The other day, I read Miss Snark’s post about blogging, in which she says that having a boring blog is dangerous to writers because people will think the writer is boring. I recently ran across the same sentiment posted somewhere else.

So I’d just like to say, for the record, that my LJ is boring because my creativity goes into my fiction and my dayjob. I created this thing to track my writing progress, not to write profound essays on self indulgence or the purpose of SF. Sorry.

* Via Paperback Writer, this post on writer’s notebooks.

I keep a notebook, sort of. When I have a dream that I think might be a story someday, I write it in the notebook. Sometimes I write down story ideas, the kind that take up a whole page and have actual prose with them, not just a sentence. And then I never look at them again.

But that’s it. I don’t do “freewriting” or “I have a neat sentence! Must write it down and use it someday!” type thing. And I don’t keep a journal, except for this one. Which is not very much about me, at least not the me inside my head.

I’ve been using the same spiral notebook for more than five years and it still has plenty of blank pages. I have nothing against notebooks, but I don’t find the concept useful.

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