Writing Links

[info]raleva31 on writing as an inborn talent vs a practiced craft. It begins

Another little controversial thing I hear once in a while is this idea that good writers are just born that way: They have this different, special way of looking at the world that the rest of us can’t even hope to see unless we see it through their eyes. They have this very special “gift” with words and thoughts.

I am going to disagree with that.

I agree with her. There is such a thing as talent, but it’s not going to do a lazy writer any good. And the “writers are special” thing doesn’t appeal to me, especially when self-proclaimed writers use it to set themselves above other people and then fail to actually write.

On a related note, the AP begins an article on Nora Roberts with Endless reserves of imagination aren’t all it takes to write 165 novels. It also requires the discipline of a drill sergeant.

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