The garden has been doing much better this year than last year, even the things like lettuce where I just used last year’s seeds. There have been some problems: the rosemary died, and three tiny pepper plants got uprooted, but we’ve been eating a lot of salad greens.
Last year, the peas bloomed and then died. This year they’ve inserted the step of producing peas.
We’re also getting our first peppers.
I didn’t plant this:
And in non-edible (to humans) news, I put a cage around more of my hostas tonight. It’s probably too late for this one, though it does have almost two leaves left.
This weekend I pulled out all the spinach; it was starting to bolt. Some of it ended up in lentil soup, and the rest got frozen. And while I was doing that, I discovered that the spinach plant that came up late and in a strange place is actually a Swiss chard from last year’s seed (all the chard sprouted and then died). So I planted more chard where the spinach was, and birds or squirrels have dug up most of those seeds already. If I’m lucky they’ll leave me one or two.