
So much for the eggplant. The squirrels beat me to it. It vanished the day before I was going to pick it, so I spent Friday contemplating ways to trap squirrels. We’re still getting green tomatoes which the squirrels then eat, too. Next year I could rig up netting over my plants, but my garden looks ugly enough as it is, and it’s in the front yard.

The bell pepper that got eaten to the stem–twice–has recovered and has several little peppers on it. I hope no one eats them before they turn red. The squirrels are avoiding the anaheim.

The dill’s gone to seed, so I’ve been cutting off seed heads. The fennel’s starting to produce seeds as well, and it also has some nice green leaves left. My other herbs are still happy, and the mint is starting to spread already. I might try transplanting the chives to that corner of the garden rather than keeping them in pots for another year.

Beets didn’t do as well this year as last year. The beets themselves are almost big enough to be worth eating, but the greens are pretty old by now. I did pick some for salad, but I think next year it’s back to picking them regularly and forgetting about the roots.

Yesterday I planted more lettuce, mesclun, and radishes, since I can’t stand a bare spot in the garden for long (and they said plant through August). The chard never came up there. Maybe now that it’s cooler at night things will be happier.

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