Guacamole Day

I do not watch football. In fact, as I write this, I am sitting in the living room during the third quarter of yesterday’s game and am still having trouble remembering who’s playing. Don’t ask me what the score was.

As far as I’m concerned, the best thing about the Superbowl is the sales on avocados. I’m not alone: According to Wikipedia, “Guacamole has pushed avocado sales to 30 million pounds on two days a year: Super Bowl Sunday and Cinco de Mayo.” Someone did a good job on the marketing there.

I am happy with guacamole that is just avocado, garlic, and lime juice. But I have to admit, yesterday’s version with tomato, onion, and jalapeño was quite tasty, even of it looked like it was going to be mostly not-avocado when I started mashing it (J chopped up the other stuff hours before).

How do you like your guacamole?


Filed under Food

4 Responses to Guacamole Day

  1. Garlic – after it’s been through a garlic press. And I also like onions, shredded/ground in a food processesor. It comes out so smooth. Oh and lots of lime juice. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

    Have you tried mango salsa? The pair go together so well.

  2. Elizabeth

    I’m usually not a big fan of fruit salsas, but maybe I just haven’t tried combining them with avocado.

  3. Tasha

    I like adding cumin to my guacamole and a LOT of cilantro.

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