Toastmasters, Part 2

I’ve mentioned before that I joined Toastmasters last spring.

In almost a year, I’ve given twelve speeches, and spoken at many more meetings–the program is designed so that nearly everyone who attends a meeting gets a chance to speak in front of the crowd. I’m a lot less nervous about it than I used to be. Admittedly, a lot of that is probably that it’s pretty much the same group of people every week! But I’ll take it.

Recently I gave the tenth speech in the Competent Communicator manual–that’s the first set of speeches that everyone starts out with. For this I get a certificate and the happy feeling of surviving.

I skipped ahead a bit, which is why I’ve done twelve speeches. I bought the Interpretive Reading manual last summer and have done the first two “advanced” speeches from that: reading a story and reading a poem. Since being able to give decent readings was one of the main reasons I joined, I plan to repeat Read a Story about a zillion times. My poor club–I don’t think many of them read fantasy or science fiction. Maybe I can turn them into fans.

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