We’ve been picking ripe apples for a few weeks. J made applesauce while I was in Kansas; he made more last weekend and we froze some. Our apples are too tart for me to eat, but they make fabulous applesauce. He also chopped up a bunch and froze them. I see apple crisp in my future.
Continuing with the my husband is awesome theme, he gave me A Feast of Ice and Fire, the official A Song of Ice and Fire cookbook. It might sound gimmicky but it looks like a good cookbook; there are many many recipes I want to try. Recipes are divided by geography (the Wall, the North, King’s Landing, etc.) and each includes a quote from the books referencing the dish and a gorgeous photo. Some of the recipes come in two versions: a medieval version (with quote and source) and a modern version. Last night I made Roast Aurochs with Leeks; although I used the crockpot rather than the oven so it was more like pot roast. Also, the recipe calls for bison or beef, as it would be extremely difficult to obtain the flesh of an extinct mammal. I also skipped the pepper sauce because pot roast doesn’t need sauce. It was still quite good. Could have used more leeks (we didn’t have enough).