Signs of Fall

* My car windows were frosted over this morning. J and I had the usual conversation about whose turn it was to drive, I grudgingly agreed to drive, and then we looked at my car and he drove (his car lives in the garage). Cue me being secretly glad we were running late and I didn’t have to scrape my windows.

* I am wearing knee socks with my skirt. This makes me sad.

* Yesterday morning, I was revising a story out on the deck. Only made it through one scene before my hands and tea got cold.

* So many leaves. I was up on the roof Saturday and pulled leaves out of the gutter under the hawthorn, which J had done last weekend. It’s almost done dropping leaves, which means it’s time for the rest of them to start.

I forgot to cover my plants last night, and didn’t have time to check them this morning. I hope they’re ok. There are a bunch of green tomatoes on the vines.

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One Response to Signs of Fall

  1. I’m grudgingly wearing pantyhose. I much prefer knee socks, but they’re not warm enough for cycling. Also, found that I had only three different right-hand gloves this morning, decided not to wear any, and was sorry about halfway to the swimming pool. I might buy a new pair or turn the most turnable (the only non-leather) right-hand one inside out.

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