Eggplant and Giant Beetles

The first eggplant of 2013

The first eggplant of 2013

We’ve eaten three eggplants from the garden, and there’s a tiny fourth one on the plant. Plus more flowers. I don’t know what I did differently this year–moved it to a sunnier spot in the yard, maybe–but I’m happy.

This first fruit was unfortunately bitter; the second two I grilled the day I picked them, and they were quite tasty.

In other news, my story “Kalar’s Wall” sold to Plasma Frequency, so sometime you’ll be able to read about an attack by an army of giant beetles. Everyone needs a giant beetle story every now and then.

In other other news, yes, I still need to blog about my trip. I was sick the whole week after getting back, and this weekend I’ll be at Gen Con, so it’ll be a while.


Filed under Garden, Writing

2 Responses to Eggplant and Giant Beetles

  1. Mmmm…giant beetles… 🙂 Congrats on the sale!! Let us know when we can read it!!

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