This cracked me up:
Apparently I read 730,498 words in Pocket this year, which they say is like reading The Great Gatsby 16 times.
It’s amusing because I’ve been trying to read fewer blog posts this year, and read books instead. I’m doing pretty well. (A lot of the credit for that goes to the library’s ebooks service.)
Though I wonder, do they actually keep track of which articles I save to Pocket and then archive or delete? Or do they assume I read everything I save? If the latter, they’re seriously overcounting. If the former…I need to read more books. Or catch up on my magazines.
I’ve never heard of Pocket. But…it sounds like the kind of thing I need. I use Feedly and use the “Save for Later” but it’s still all online. Will this move it offline too? Because then I can use it on my flights. Of course I can go look at it myself…which I will as soon as I’m done typing this. But, wanted to know your opinion 🙂
Yes, it caches for offline reading. That’s the main thing I use it for. It works nicely with Feedly, especially in the iOS app.
I want to thank you and curse you for telling me about Pocket. I have no idea how I’ve gone so long without it…I’ve been saving links to my Evernote all this time if it’s not through Feedly where I can save it for late… This is a bit dangerous. I’m finding myself browsing blogs and such during lunch, reading the quick ones, and the meaty ones all going into Pocket with tags…
I would frankly be happy to pay for this. How can this be free??
Yup…this just opened up a whole new location for me to be a packrat…
Though I don’t know how the Archive thing works. What’s the point of archiving? It doesn’t look like you can filter it…
Nope…never mind…found the Archive thing. Duh…
Yeah, I have an insane number of articles saved that I will probably never read despite how interesting they sound.
Something really cool: do you know of IFTTT? I gave it some rss feeds to online fiction magazines, and whenever they post a new story, IFTTT automatically sends it to Pocket and tags it as fiction and with the name of the magazine. Then I have tons of stories to not get around to reading.
I’ve heard of IFTTT via Evernote but when I was looking into it it was still far too primitive and confusing to get it to work right… But maybe it’s time I look into it again. Though I don’t have too many places like that where I can’t just shove it into Feedly to keep me updated. Still, the automatic tagging is kind of nice. While I do wish I could store videos for offline in Pocket too, Watch Later on the iPad works great so now, with the combination of that plus Pocket, along with TV shows and movies via iTunes, my iPad has truly become my life on long flights.