Skate club (outdated link) was excellent. It’s two hours long: 30 minutes on your own, then a 30-minute group lesson, then another hour on your own – except they’ve started an adult synchronized skating team that practices in the second hour, leaving only four of us to practice on the rest of the ice.
It’s so nice to share the ice with responsible, courteous people, rather than oblivious college students and obnoxious teenagers playing tag. There’s space enough to go the wrong direction, which means practicing moves that require skating in clockwise circles. And there’s space enough for jumps, too, not that I need much space, but crowded public sessions never leave me near enough.
Anyway. No pain in my calves last night. I think Wednesday’s pain was just from having my skates laced too loosely. It’s a delicate balance – too tight, and my feet hurt. Got some decent spins – decent for me, not on some objective scale – centered and with my leg in a better position, though not both at the same time, alas. Some ok waltz jumps and recognizable half-flips. Totally failed to do salchows.
The group lesson will be as frustrating as it was two years ago – we’re divided into two groups, and I’m still in the middle. I went with the lower group last night, since I haven’t been skating much, and the review of basics doesn’t hurt. Next time maybe I’ll try the other one, but I really can’t keep up with them.
Maybe this year I’ll make some progress. I’ve been working on the same things since 2002, since I keep stopping and starting again.